Ap Saya Technologies
23 May 2019 Event Management

Digitalization of the event industry


New technologies are an integral part of our lives. It is no longer a question of early adopters who are following the latest innovations. It’s about the world’s population using applications powered by Artificial Intelligence to make their daily lives easier.

Everyone even non tech profiles are now using innovative apps to customize their online experiences.

With the constant evolution of our society, businesses need to turn towards Digital to deliver better value. It’s not only a matter of business growth but also about true impact it brings to people’s everyday experience. We have been spoiled by high quality interfaces and powerful technologies and are looking for similar products in every aspect of our lives. The event industry understood it very well. Digitalization is affecting all aspects of events to give attendees a unique experience. It also helps event organizers to understand event data and predict behaviors to personalize the marketing efforts.

We know that event planners need to integrate innovative solutions to meet the demands of their customers. But how event industry must adapt to digitalization and what are the real benefits ?

  1.    How event industry must adapt to digitalization ?

Poor matching leaves attendees unsatisfied. In 2018, only 34% of worldwide event attendees said they were very satisfied with their experience at exhibitions. Indeed, two-thirds of participants have failed to meet the right people during a B2B events and more and more participants are looking for a unique experience.

The implementation of digital solutions allows event organizers to overcome these challenges by creating truly personalized experience prior, during and after the event. The easiest way to implement market-appropriate solutions is to trust the specialized companies with existing success stories.

An AI matchmaking app can be the perfect tool to start integrating an intuitive digital solution into the heart of an event. Business Matching and online Networking solution drastically improve your attendees engagement and satisfaction. These online solutions will recommend to your attendees people to meet, conference sessions to attend. Attendees can schedule meetings before the event starts while browsing the app. By implementing such a solution, event organizers maximize the value and the personalized experience offered to each attendee.


  1.    Benefits of a Business Matching Solution
Gain Valuable Insight

The Matchmaking Platform will help you  understand what’s going on during your event. You will be able to measure its success and learn from your participants’ behaviors to target your marketing efforts.

Empower engagement

Most event planners want to see more engagement among attendees because they know it drives ticket sales and loyalty.

Powered by Artificial Intelligence, Business Matching solutions are intuitive and proactive to help meet the right people at business events, the easiest way.

Improve drastically your attendees experience

An online app allow your attendees to have all the information they need at their fingertips when they need it. They can create their own meeting agenda and you can let them decide and choose with whom they want to interact.

The digital transformation in the event industry is a must and is only accelerating.


The use of a powerful Business Matching Solution is now essential to deliver a qualitative and valuable experience that answers the needs of your participants.

You want to get started but do not know where to start? Contact us! Our A-team will be happy to help you.




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