Ap Saya Technologies
30 Mar 2016 Event Management

MIHAS 2016 – with Zilzar Teams


We were please to be the first to visit Zilzar booth at MIHAS 2016 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC).

Zilzar is the first global Business to Business (B2B) Halal e-Commerce platform connecting Buyers and Sellers. We were launched on October 29, 2014 during the 10th World Islamic Economic Forum in Dubai.

Zilzar has identified gaps for halal Buyers and Sellers in the Muslim Lifestyle Marketplace that include information gap, connectivity gap, community gap, access to market gap, integrity gap, and most urgently, a global platform gap for the entire ecosystem.

Zilzar hosts, facilitates, and monitors a SME driven eco-system based upon specific rules for halal consumption of food/beverage, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, fashion, travel, agriculture and etc. Halal certification by the recognized certification bodies is strictly required to give Buyers a ‘peace of mind.’



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