Ap Saya Technologies
18 Jul 2018 Events

World Startup Festival – Bootcamp


A California-based organisation, the World Startup Festival’s (WSF) primary aim is to guide startup businesses through their journey – From birth, to infancy, and all the way to their public listing. It acts as an incubator and accelerator, empowering startups through various programmes such as today’s Start-up Bootcamp. The Bootcamp, Module 1, is the first step of a startup entrepreneur’s journey with WSF and we’re definitely proud to have our big boss and CEO,  Mamadou Ndiaye, as the Lead Trainer for the Bootcamp.

The Bootcamp commenced with Fazil Irwan and Udesh Shaskar, Regional Directors introducing the WSF, the programme and its sessions. This then followed with the introduction of our CEO as the Lead Trainer, and finally the spotlight is on the Bootcamp participants – Individuals from various ages and backgrounds presented their startup businesses, their challenges, and most importantly, what they hope to achieve from this Module 1.

An engineer-turned-oil painter, game developer, a baker and a corporate adviser just to name a few – A diversified and talented bunch to say the least!

Beginnings, experiences and challenges (and laughter!) were shared amongst each other – Speakers and participants. Few were just starting out with their first venture, others aspired to expand their existing business, and some had even failed, but came out even stronger. Despite the diversity of the participants’ experiences, everybody had one common goal – To create something impactful and meaningful.


As the lead speaker, our CEO, Mamadou Ndiaye, presented on the Customer Development Model – consisting of Customer discovery, Customer validation, Customer creation and company building. He emphasised how important it was for the participants to focus more on the customers, rather than on product development. It doesn’t matter how good of a product you have, if no one is buying it.

Fun fact: Lunch was provided by an alumni of WSF’s Bootcamp itself!

(Cleverly-named as “Lauk”, the company delivers delicious meals around the Klang, Shah Alam and Subang Jaya areas)

There was never a short of questions and opinions from everyone as the session continued after lunch, and the energy and productivity lasted all day. Everybody was always participating and curiosity was definitely never short.

It’s safe to say, even from Day 1, everybody gained something. So far a success? We’d like to think so.



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